ATV Repairs

Find the digital business card for your area repair professional

The Business Card That Doesn't Get Lost

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The repair sites business card from CyberComm Marketing, LLC

Paper business cards have been given out with no change in strategy since the printing machine was invented! They will never disappear, but the way people distribute that information has changed, and you weren’t even thinking about it. The ole fashioned business card has collided with the digital world & the smart phone, and that black hole is being eliminated. No, not Einstein’s black hole, but the one between the seat and the console where everything seems to go. It’s just like the dryer that always seems to take just one sock! The point being, how many times do you actually find someone’s card when you need it.

We have the card supply that never runs out!

Anybody that sells a product or a service knows that little sinking feeling they get when they have to tell someone, “I’m Sorry, I Don’t Have a Card On Me.”  After trying to get your message heard above all the racket and chaos of the competition, you finally break thru the noise, make a contact, and can’t follow thru with something as simple as a business card!  How about having your contact information at a web address that’s easy to remember, and it’s ALWAYS available. And unlike a business card, it can be changed at a moments notice, whether its your phone number, your business address, or your e-mail address. Why not have both? Now you can be on the phone, and still have a way for them to access get your information.

How simple is it to tell them to go to They just enter your name, the name of your business, your city, or any part thereof. How about the name of the product or service you offer, or the business category.  If you have our web page option Read More

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