Jay Cook
Starkville, MS
Grab My Card Here
Ph-(662) 324-0001
315 University Blvd
Starkville, MS 39759
See a Map
CyberComm Marketing has created….
The Business Card That Never Gets Lost!©
The ole fashioned business card has slammed into the digital world, and that black hole is being neutralized. No, not Einstein’s black hole, but the one between the seat of your car and the console where they always seem to go. It’s like the dryer that always seems to take just one sock! After a couple of days, for instance, your card is still around, and you just can’t find it when you need it.
Anybody that sells a product or a service knows that little sinking feeling they get when they have to tell someone, “I’m Sorry, I Don’t Have a Card On Me.” After trying to get your message heard above all the racket and chaos of the competition, you finally break thru the noise, make a contact, and can’t give them a simple business card!
Information can be changed at a moments notice!
How about having your contact information at a web address that’s easy to remember, and it’s ALWAYS available. For instance, your information can be changed at a moments notice, whether its your phone number, your business address, or your e-mail address. Now you can be talking to someone on the phone, and they have a way to access your info. It can include your email address & website, & links to your social media. It also can have directions to your office or business via GPS, and an interactive map.
Communication has changed to the digital format!
We’re not getting rid of the old fashioned business card, but a digital alternative to get our contact information to our contacts and prospective clients is needed. People need a way for to access your contact information in a digital format. Communication methods have changed from 5, or even a couple of years ago.
The majority of communication is now accomplished with smartphones. Everybody automatically thinks about texting and e-mail, for instance, but websites are now even built for mobile devices. When you include social media like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, the smart phone is king! Offering an alternative to get your information ON THAT PHONE can be an advantage because it will set you apart from the crowd in today’s mobile society. Isn’t it better to be an innovator today than a follower tomorrow!